Classes and Workshops



Coming up soon:

Drawing Sun- Flowers
The Red Barn,  Pt. Reyes Station
in Person,
Saturday, August 24th,  10-2

Join me in person at the Point Reyes National Seashore to draw the beautiful flowers of summers- sunflowers, zinnias and other summer flowers, or favorite flowers from your own garden.

We will explore a variety of colored pencil techniques and learn how to blend, burnish and create new colors while incorporating the techniques of botanical drawing. We will focus on color theory, color application, value and form.

What is in your Garden Spring and Summer
Zoom workshop hosted by Winslow Art Center
Four Thursdays, May 9th , June 6th , July 11th , August 8th

We will create sketchbook pages to document what is happening in our gardens each month. We will look at the spring flowers and leaves just budding, the roses of May and June and the sunflowers and zinnias of July and August.We focus on color and color mixing, colored pencil techniques, and learn a little botany as we go along. Learn to look closely at the changes in plant life in your own backyard.

Online Classes:

I continue to do online bi-weekly 1.5 hour zoom classes and am scheduling one in person class a month at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts and seasonally at Pt. Reyes and the El Dorado Nature Center in Long Beach and the Laguna de Santa Rosa

Contact me if you are interested in joining us.   

Updated April 2024

Click here for my Colored Pencil Supply List 2024
Check with locale for supply list for a specific class.

Questions? Contact Nina at:

InPerson workshops in 2024:
All drawing levels are welcome. In one day workshops we focus on one a seasonal flower(or leaf or fruit) ,do color studies and draw and color our specimen. 
A supply list (see above) is provided.

Sebastopol Center for the Arts ongoing second Tuesday of the month- In Person
Coming up-
June 4th
July 16th
Some experience helpful. This is an ongoing workshop format. 


Drawing Sun- Flowers
The Red Barn,  Pt. Reyes Station
in Person, Saturday, August 24th,  10-2

Laguna de Santa Rosa
Fall Color Play
In Person, Saturday, October 5th, 10-2

Eldorado Nature Center
Long Beach, CA
Drawing Nature in Colored Pencil 

Summer Date tba
register in person at the Nature Center






  • “If nothing else, the years have taught me this: If there’s a pencil in your pocket, there’s a good chance that one day you’ll be tempted to start using it.” Paul Auster