Ann Swan Workshop

We just returned from a wonderful four day workshop with Ann Swan at the L.A. Arboritum. She is a fabulous teacher and introduced us to many interesting and useful techniques. Her real strength is in composition and she took us through a series of exercises and gave us very helpful tips on creating good composition which I found to be worth its weight in gold. Lori Vreeke hosted the event and provided us with very tasty breakfast snacks (pastry is her business- really!) Lots of chocolate was consumed and we had a quite boisterous dinner together in Pasadena. Great fun and many new friends. Arboretum

We are hoping to bring Ann to Northern California next fall and will keep you posted on that. In the meantime her book, Botanical Painting with Colored Pencils will have to do as a substitute.peacock 2

Posted in Uncategorized, Workshops
  • The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself. ~Henry Miller