ASBA Conference in Denver

We just returned from four  wonderful days in Denver, meeting with our fellow Botanical Artists, taking workshops and visiting the beautiful Denver Botanical Gardens. An exhausting, creative time was had by all. I took a graphite workshop from Robin Jess and learned some new colored pencil techniques from Libby Kyer. Nancy did a full day session with Colored Pencil Artist Susan Rubin. We had fun visiting with Wendy Hollender and Ann Swan who gave a great techniques demo the first day of the Conference. There was a lovely Small Works exhibit which has become a regular feature of the Conferences.


Nancy Wheeler Klippert enjoying the gardens in her new hat.

ASBA (The American Society of Botanical Artists) holds a Conference every year, hosted by a different chapter in a different city.  Next year the Conference will be held in Miami. Every three years the Conference is held in Pittsburgh, home of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation at Carnegie Mellon (2016.) In 2017 the ASBA Conference will be held here in Northern California at Filoli Gardens hosted by the Northern California Society of Botanical Artists. 

Our  friend and fellow botanical artist Andrea Wolf invited us to see the Chihuly installation at the Denver Gardens at night. It was quite spectacular but equally beautiful during the day.


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  • The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself. ~Henry Miller