Blog Archives

Joanne Youngberg (February 21, 1919-May 30, 2014) Friday evening  my step-mother peacefully died in her Yountville home. We were fortunate to have painted together for the past five years every Wednesday. After our tuna sandwiches we would spend the afternoon

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Interview with NYBG This was a fun interview I did with The New York Botanical Garden in January:  New York Botanical Garden Plant Talk Magazine

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Ann Swan Workshop We just returned from a wonderful four day workshop with Ann Swan at the L.A. Arboritum. She is a fabulous teacher and introduced us to many interesting and useful techniques. Her real strength is in composition and she

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My Favorite Green Pencils Finding good green pencils for drawing botanicals- greens that look like the greens in the natural world is often difficult. Many of the green pencils that have “natural” names have little relationship to the greens we see in

Posted in Colored Pencil, Pencils

Colored Pencil Charts I am attaching some colored pencil lists. These are pencils that go beyond the basic supply list for my class. They are set up in color chart form so you can color in the ones you have

Posted in Pencils

Fun App for Colored Pencil Techies Thanks to Ann Swan’s blog, I found this great new app called MyMarkers which allows you to keep track of all your colored pencils by brand and number- what you have and more importantly

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Alcatraz Florilegium The Northern California Society of Botanical Artists is delighted to be collaborating with the Garden Conservancy to create a florilegium, a series of botanical paintings, documenting the plants of The Gardens of Alcatraz. The initial exhibition of Alcatraz

Posted in Exhibitions

Designing a new website! I discovered this great video on Youtube. Very helpful. Search for more by Tyler Moore.

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  • “The notes for the poem are the only poem.” Adrienne Rich